Legal Issues

Legal issues relating to our company identity, contracts, insurance and more.

This page helps you find all the key legal information in one place. It also makes the rest of the site readable, without the legal issues getting in the way!

Company Registrations

Companies House

Safety 4 HEd, registered at Companies House in 2010.

Data Protection

Safety 4 HEd, registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (number Z3050069).

We are very strict about client confidentiality and data security. Information about our clients will only be released if it is permitted by our clients, or when it is required to be released by law or an enforcing authority. This includes emails and other data given to us by people on our various mailing lists.

Your data will be safe with us. However, if requested by an individual we will identify amy material that specifically relates to that person and release it to them, provided this will not expose other people’s personal data, or breach another legal restriction (including solicitors legal privilege).


Our contract Terms and Conditions are very generous. Our general terms are the basis for our long term Safety Support contracts. Clients all have bespoke contracts, specifically adapted for their unique needs. Invoices are all in arrears (after the completion of work). We provide a 32 day period for you to pay your invoices.

Our long term Safety Support contract, where we work as your Safety Advisor (see Regulation 7 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999), helps you stay on the right side of the law. For more information on this service please contact us for a quote. The monthly standing order fee covers all general advice (by telephone and email) and provides for a 1/3 discount on our standard prices for all types of visits and training, in addition you will get copies of our publications and any other general information notes written.


All our reports and materials are subject to copyright. In many cases the reports will also include sections or images where the copyright belongs to other organisations (such as the HSE). In all cases we are careful to ensure that we have the copyright to reproduce these items. If we did not own the copyright directly we will say where we got the materials from.

We respectfully request that you are equally careful over the copyright of images and documents, and do not reproduce our materials without permission.

In our reports and documents written for our clients we clearly state if the copyright is transferred, or permission given for internal copying and use.


If you need to see any of our registrations or policies they can be provided on request to

We hold insurances for

  • professional indemnity
  • public liability.


Safety 4 HEd is a micro company. As such there is no legal obligation for us to hold many formal policies and procedures in written accessible form. However, we have provided some documents below.

All policies are subject to review. Revised versions are uploaded under the same file name.


It is easy for people to make claims about memberships on websites – but not always as easy to check them out. This is why we have provided the following links to help you validate us. In the case of institutes you can always contact the Membership Departments for validation.

Vincent Theobald-Vega professional accreditations.

    Occupational Safety and Health Contractors Register
    See Listing
    International Institute of Risk and Safety Management
    Royal Society for Public Health
    Institute for Safety in Technology and Research
  • EurOSHM
    European Occupational Safety and Health Manager
    See Listing
  • HSLA
    Health and Safety Lawyers Association
    See Listing

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