Available for Booking on these dates

Available 4 you

Booking availability system

To help plan your visits, use this booking form. Ensure you explain what you want from the visit, and complete the contact information. You will receive an automatic email with the booking Reservation.

  • Monday, to Friday are bookable in this way, but some days are restricted by regular commitments.
  • Evenings and other times needed must be arranged by email.

Choosing your visit type

  • Online (via Zoom)” – normally limited to half an hour.
  • Short visits” – 1 hour long. Sufficeint for general needs.
  • Longer visits” – 2 hours long. For more complex needs.
  • Full day visits” – To enable training sessions and matters that cannot otherwise be accommodated, or visits that require significant travel. There are very few full days currently available.

How To Use the Form

The arrows < and > (top left and right of the calendar) will change the month on view. The colours are used as follows:

  • White – Dates and times are available.
  • Red – dates or times have already been booked.
  • Dark grey – dates or times are unavailable.

Select the following in sequence:

  • visit type;
  • month, using the < and > arrows at the top of the view;
  • day (in white);
  • time (in white) that you want to start the session.

Then complete the fields below, making sure to add your email and the purpose of the booking. For visits do not forget to give us the address you want us to go to.

NB: The GDPR approval box needs to be selected before the booking can be completed. Without this we cannot store and process your data.

If you make a mistake – email us – everything can be corrected.

What’s Next

You will automatically get an email “booking Reservation“. We then check the booking, before getting back to you with further queries or a “booking Confirmation“. This may take a few days but is usually the same day.

To enable us to process your booking, we will store your details on our computer systems. If you want to know more about our use of your data please feel free to email us.

Safety 4 HEd holds a Data Protection Registration number Z3050069.


  • The appearance of a date indicating availability is not a guarantee that the date will be available.
  • If possible we do not change bookings. However, on occasions we will need to change bookings and we will strive give you at least one week’s notice.
  • You should not make further arrangements until you have a visit confirmation. Safety 4 HEd will not be liable for any losses due to rearrangement or cancellation.
  • If it will require a large amount of travel to attend your site, please book slots before and after your main booking or request a longer slot, with an actual appointment time defined in the text of the booking, to enable Vincent to get to the desired location. Please consider this as it may mean that your requested booking is incompatible with existing bookings.
  • We try to keep about three months on view at any time. But, for many reasons this will not always happen.
  • A confirmed booking is the basis for a contract. Therefore, reservations are all made under our terms and conditions of service. Cancellation fees may be charged if confirmed bookings are moved or cancelled, especially at short notice. We will always be understanding in the event of unforeseen circumstances.

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