Safety 4 HEd is an LLP (a Limited Liability Partnership) and we provide specialist Health and Safety consultancy service, principally for the University and Research sectors, but we also deal with any companies with a real challenge (from technology, or because you work in a specialised sector). Vincent Theobald-Vega is an experienced health and safety professional, and is the main health and safety consultant with the partnership.
For information about the company, insurances, registrations, contracts and all things legal please see the Legal Issues page.
Safety 4 HEd wins multiple awards year after year!
For more information on our years of award wins please go to our awards page. Here you will be able to see the awards and why they were awarded.
Vincent Theobald-Vega
Vincent is an experienced safety professional who started with the HSE as an Inspector in 1989. After that he moved to Newcastle University in 1999, where he worked until 2012. His experience as a consultant began in 2008, undertaking consultancy work for the University as well as for independent clients.
Vincent’s CV and certificates are available on the page About Vincent.
Our Purpose: Making Life Safer 4 YOU
Here we are not talking about an extra pair of hands and eyes (though if you really need this for leave cover etc. please do contact us), but we are talking about the way we look at things. Having had considerable experience in the University safety fields, Vincent realised that there is sometimes a need for assistance from specialist and experienced safety professionals within the sector.
In general, using specialist staff enables you to undertake tasks beyond your normal capacity or to obtain an independent view on the safety management of your organisation. We can provide you with experience of both enforcement and operating a complex University Safety Service.
We also offer you knowledge of the current standards (both legal and managerial) needed to provide independent competent advice, especially in the event of an incident or for external auditing purposes.
Our services include: Audit, Guidance, Inspection (in particular technical inspection), Investigation (including complex situations), Training and other bespoke services.
Who lists us
- Companies-House as a Limited Liability Partnership
- Companies in the UK in their register of companies
- Yelp on-line directory
- OHSCR registration details
- LinkedIn – See Safety 4 HEd at
and Vincent at

Registered with the Occupational Safety and Health Consultants Register.

Listed member of the Federation of Forensic and Expert Witnesses.

Vincent Theobald-Vega
See my entry